Listed here are links to calculators that
we have found useful for investors.
Total Tax Burden. Click on the map to the right to access the calculator for total taxes you pay based on your income, lifestyle, and location. You will be amazed!
Total Tax Burden by State |
Marginal Tax Rate Calculator Smart Money has a marginal tax rate calculator that is very helpful. You need to know your marginal income tax bracket for each additional dollar of income you earn to see if tax-free municipal bonds make sense for you. Click on the picture to access the calculator.
Marginal Tax Rate Calculator |
Tax-Equivalent Yield. After you determine your marginal tax rate using the calculator above, you can then compute the yield on your municipal bond that is equivalent to fixed income yields that are taxable. This is useful for evaluating investment alternatives.
Tax-Equivalent Yield Calculator |
State Income Tax Rates. Not sure what state income tax rate to use for the calculator above? Here is a chart of income tax rates by state that can help you. Just click on the pdf icon.
State Income Tax Rates |
Required Minimum Distributions has a good calculator to estimate the required minimum distributions from your IRA based on your age, your beneficiary's age, and your account balance. This is helpful in planning your liquidity needs inside the IRA. Remember, you can always distribute securities in kind in lieu of taking cash.
Required Minimum Distributions |