Recommended for Individual Investors |
As active investors ourselves, we like to pass on to our readers websites and articles that we think you might find useful.
We have also added some features that are just fun. They tickled us and we thought you might like them, too.
How the Economic Machine Works. Ray Dalio, famed hedge fund manager at Bridgewater Associates LP, has created this animated video and research paper as a public service to help educate investors.
Click on Ray's picture to access the animation and a pdf of the research paper for download.
How the Economic Machine Works |
Merrill Edge Investor Education |
" Napkin Finance" Financial Literacy Website. Their motto is "Everything About Money in 30 Seconds or Less." Easily digested nuggets to increase your knowledge and understanding of investments and topics in finance.
Napkin Finance |
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them."
-- Joseph Brodsky
Click on the picture of the book to find a selection of books
that we recommend for long-term investors, teens, and children.
The Intelligent Investor |
Don't understand the difference between a broker and an investment adviser? Confused about the terms "suitable" versus "fiduciary duty" in investment advice? A brochure explaining these topics and more can be downloaded by clicking on the pdf icon. It has been jointly published as a public service by the CFA Institute, Financial Planning Association, Consumer Federation of America, Investment Adviser Association, and North American Securities Administrators Association.
Cutting Through the Confusion |
The chains of habit
rest lightly until they
can't be broken.
Understanding Taxes. New website developed by IRS for students to learn tax system theory, history, principles, and even trivia. Excellent resource for adults, too!
Understanding Taxes |
Retirement Planner. The AICPA provides free interactive retirement planning tools at 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy. See how long your retirement funds will last under various assumptions.
Retirement Planner |
Wave Accounting Free cloud-based accounting program with dashboards, customizable reports, automatic backups, integrated payroll, and unlimited expense tracking. Best deal we have seen!
wave Accounting |
Required Minimum Distributions has a good calculator to estimate the required minimum distributions from your IRA based on your age and beneficiary. This is helpful in planning your liquidity needs inside your IRA (although you can always distribute securities in kind in lieu of taking cash.) Follow this link: Bankrate RMD Calculator.
Identity Theft If you or someone you know is a victim of identity theft, the IRS has an excellent resource page where you can find helpful information. Links to credit bureaus, contact information for the IRS Identity Protection Specialized Unit, and Form 14039 IRS Identity Theft Affidavit can be found here: IRS Identity Theft Central
Charitable Contributions A handy IRS website lookup tool called "Exempt Organizations Select Check" to verify that an organization is eligible to receive tax-deductible donations.
Education Lesson plans for children, teens, and adults about the economy, stock market, and everyday financial matters. Practical advice for all ages.
Quote of the Day
We must have ideals and try to live up to them, even if we never quite succeed. Life would be a sorry business without them. With them it's grand and great. Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) |
1. The IRS now has SIX YEARS to audit your return if you misstate income. You must keep your cost basis records for six years past the date of filing of a return reporting the sale.